
Pros of Whey Protein & Berry-Banana Smoothie Recipe

A great way to start your day is with a protein shake/smoothie with whey protein. Lots of people have a misconception about whey protein being only used by bodybuilders who are interested in gaining a lot of muscular weight. Whey has many health benefits, even to those of us who are not bodybuilders! Whey protein is a pure form of protein which is an essential dietary component.

 Here are a few reasons to add that scoop or two of Whey protein to your smoothie!

1. Amino acids: whey protein provides your body with essential amino acids

2. Weight loss: Whey protein is low in calories, fat and sugar, which helps to prevent weight gain while promoting a lean body composition. Whey protein helps to reduce glucose absorption time into the bloodstream to prevent hunger, according to the Whey Protein Institute. Slower glucose absorption can help fight the urge to snack between meals.

3. Reduced Stress: Whey protein slows the production of cortisol, a stress hormone. 

4. Muscle Growth: Your muscles need to repair after a workout in order to build muscle and whey protein helps with that process. 

Berry-Banana Smoothie

1/2 cup of non-fat vanilla almond milk unsweetened (you can sub. for NF milk, water, coconut water or soy milk as well)
2 scoops of Zero Carb Isopure Creamy Vanilla Powder (or any desired Whey protein, but this is my personal fav)
1/2 cup of ice cubes
1 banana (frozen if you want a more creamy shake)
1/4 blueberries (full of antioxidants!)
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract


Combine milk (or desired liquid) protein powder and ice cubes in blender on high for 30 seconds. Then add additional ingredients and blend again for 30 seconds. 


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