
Cinnamon Pecan Protein Pancakes w/ Maple PB Syrup

This is such a filling and delicious breakfast, I make protein pancakes of different flavors for my breakfast at least 3 times a week. They are packed with protein, low in carbs, and full of fiber! 

Hope you enjoy them as much as I do :) 

PB2 is an amazing product, you can do so
much with it & its low in calories! Chia
seeds are a great way to get added fiber
and are an excellent source of omega fatty

This is by far the best tasting protein I have ever tried!
Delicious. It also mixes extremely well :) You can use
any type of whey protein I just like this one!
**If you use a vanilla instead just add some cinnamon
to keep the flavor the same.  **

                             You can purchase this protein online at http://www.cellucor.com/

Batter all ready to cook.. 

Cooking.. wish this pic was scratch and sniff! 
I decided to add bananas to top mine off!

So good..